Patagonia Argentina Map:
Patagonia Region is located between the red lines in Argentina Map. Notice that Chile is part of Patagonia too. So from Neuquen state to Tierra del Fuego at very south (down in the map) Patagonia Argentina goes from Atlantic sea cost, to the Andes (delimiting Argentina and Chile).
Chilean Patagonia goes from Andes to Pacific cost.
San Carlos de Bariloche is on Río Negro state, below Neuquén state.
Chilean Patagonia goes from Andes to Pacific cost.
San Carlos de Bariloche is on Río Negro state, below Neuquén state.
Neuquén is the "north" part of Patagonia Argentina, Villa la Angostura is located in Neuquén for instance, and San Martín de los Andes as well.
All three have sky centers discussed before: Cerro Catedral in Bariloche. Cerro Bayo in Villa la Angostura, and Chapelco in San Martín de los Andes.
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