25 janeiro 2008

Chocolate Bariloche

Is there anybody in the world doesn't like Chocolate?

Bariloche Chocolate are famous around the world, carried out with artisanal and regional products.

Travellers all over the world buy chocolate in San Carlos de Bariloche before leaving and thus having something sweet to share with loved people at home.

Fenoglio is one of most traditional stores for instance. As you might guess, Mitre Av. is a good place to taste some.

Is there many Chocolate stores in city:

Chocolates Benroth Beschtedt 569
Chocolates Mamuschka Mitre 216
Chocolates Bonifacio Mitre 171
Tante Frida Mitre 660
Chocolates Rapa Nui Mitre 202
Chocolates de La Abuela Goye, Mitre 221
Chocolates del Turista, San Martín Av. 262
Chocolates Fenoglio, Mitre and Rolando or San Martin Av. 308
Chocolates Framtom, Mitre 183
Estrella Alpina, De los Pioneros Av. 4600

Airport shops

What are best? You taste it and say it!

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