25 janeiro 2008

Chocolates Mamuschka

This is a separate spot.
Mamuschka Chocolates are as many people say in higher level.

The store moved to a bigger shop recently, due to high demand (now in a corner in Mitre Av. San Carlos de Bariloche center)

So if you go to Bariloche, give it a try, you won't be dissapointed at all, and perhaps you come back with one of those red chocolate packages.

You will find people asking in forums where to buy Mamuschka Chocolates in Buenos Aires. In spanish the common question: "Donde comprar Chocolates Mamuschka en Buenos Aires? "
So gonna let people know the answer.
You can buy Mamuschka chocolate here:
Mamuschka Bariloche: Mitre 298 (Mitre and Rolando) Phone: +54 2944-423294
Bariloche, Cerro Catedral, (Ski center) Phone: 460135.
Mamuschka Buenos Aires, Sucre 2478 between Cabildo Av and Ciudad de la paz, Belgrano Phone: +54 11-4783-8385
In Cariló: Paseo Las Alondras.
In Las Leñas (Sky center), Mendoza, in Las Pirámides.
Common Mamuschka misspellings are: Mamushka, Mamushchka and Mamushca.
Note to Mamuschka staff: if you wanna thank sending a small box around here, just post!

Chocolate Bariloche

Is there anybody in the world doesn't like Chocolate?

Bariloche Chocolate are famous around the world, carried out with artisanal and regional products.

Travellers all over the world buy chocolate in San Carlos de Bariloche before leaving and thus having something sweet to share with loved people at home.

Fenoglio is one of most traditional stores for instance. As you might guess, Mitre Av. is a good place to taste some.

Is there many Chocolate stores in city:

Chocolates Benroth Beschtedt 569
Chocolates Mamuschka Mitre 216
Chocolates Bonifacio Mitre 171
Tante Frida Mitre 660
Chocolates Rapa Nui Mitre 202
Chocolates de La Abuela Goye, Mitre 221
Chocolates del Turista, San Martín Av. 262
Chocolates Fenoglio, Mitre and Rolando or San Martin Av. 308
Chocolates Framtom, Mitre 183
Estrella Alpina, De los Pioneros Av. 4600

Airport shops

What are best? You taste it and say it!

24 janeiro 2008

Patagonia Argentina Map

Patagonia Argentina Map:
Patagonia Region is located between the red lines in Argentina Map. Notice that Chile is part of Patagonia too. So from Neuquen state to Tierra del Fuego at very south (down in the map) Patagonia Argentina goes from Atlantic sea cost, to the Andes (delimiting Argentina and Chile).

Chilean Patagonia goes from Andes to Pacific cost.
San Carlos de Bariloche is on Río Negro state, below Neuquén state.
Neuquén is the "north" part of Patagonia Argentina, Villa la Angostura is located in Neuquén for instance, and San Martín de los Andes as well.
All three have sky centers discussed before: Cerro Catedral in Bariloche. Cerro Bayo in Villa la Angostura, and Chapelco in San Martín de los Andes.

Cerro Catedral Sky

Its peaks resemble the towers of a temple medieval Gothic style. Hence its name.

The Cerro Catedral, located 19 kilometers from the city of San Carlos de Bariloche, paving the way people around the world eager to experience the adventure promised by Snow.

With options for all types of skiing, including off the track, those who practice the freestyle and snowboarding will have a specially designed area with bumps and rails to demonstrate their skills. Cathedral is also setting for the most important international competitions.

From Bariloche, by the by. Bustillo until kilometre 8 (crossing Cathedral). Then turn left on the tarmac road to access the ski center, with its free parking for 960 vehicles. There is also a regular buses every 30 minutes, or it can go up in a taxi, discount or with some tourist excursion. Season: from 18/06 to 10/10, divided into high, low and average. Hours: 9 to 17. Activities: alpine skiing, in substance, and crossing off the track, snowboarding, bobsledding, paragliding, trekking, mountaineering and mountain biking. Services: inns, restaurants top level, lockers, local clothing and souvenirs, digital photos, medical service at the base of the hill, public telephones and Internet access at the base station in 1600, ski rental, ample parking, downtown reports, child care, ski school, shopping, clubs, transfers to the hill, press room, four trax and snow cats.
More information in http://www.bariloche.esp.br

Tango in Bariloche Argentina!

Bariloche has, their own tango festival.

Miguel Roldan and his entire team, carried out Patagonia and Tango Festival.

But the festival is not only show: during the first six days is what organizers call the prefestival, which proposed musical clinics, a contest of letters referring to the theme of Patagonia and other visual arts (painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, graphic design, digital, mixed-media, sculpture and objects), dance classes, a dance workshop in the business arena and a championship for dancers.

It also introduced a CD with local artists: Bariloche Tango Trio, Graciela Novellino and Juanjo Miraglia, Paola Schiavoni, Ariel Ascheri, Laura Calvo, Carina Alberelli Juri and Andrea.

Dancing Tango in Bariloche, Where?

To dance the tango in Bariloche, the first place is El Rincon del Tango. You can look at the billboard that to the street in Moreno 40 and choose. The tango classes are very crowded and open.

Flyfishing in Bariloche: Limay River

Limay River is located 20 kilometres from the city of San Carlos de Bariloche, in northern Patagonia, Argentina.

In its configuration we can find from sliding and pozones, fast and slow water. The Limay River from its mouth at Lake Nahuel Huapi to the "Corner Boy" has very few places where these and wading is possible, we need to achieve a considerable distance casting due to the depth and speed of its waters.

The rods are more appropriate No. 5 accompanied with fast sinking lines called "shooting line with a sinking coheficiente Number 2 (two) or 4 (four). The flies can be used as the classic Woolly Bugger, or Matuka Rabbit hooks in No. 4, 6 or 8.

23 janeiro 2008

El Bolsón

Anyone who travel to San Carlos de Bariloche, don't want to miss El Bolson.

And particularily the Craft Fair, with myriad varieties of handicrafts in all materials, wool, dried flowers, wood, paint, leather, metal, cloth, and more.

And its regional producers also presented there, selling their sweets, vegetables, cheeses, homemade beers and all kind of drinks (you won't get a Coke because rules are rules).

A wide range of artistic street shows. In summer, the Fair provides an array of colour and music Enjoy it on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10:00 to 15:00 pm