Travelling to Bariloche?Via Bariloche has 3 types of bus service from all over Argentina to San Carlos de Bariloche.
Semi Bed: 3 positions for seats, toilette, bar, videos, reading lights. Air conditioning, heating system. Hot and cold meals and breakfast served by the on board assistant.
Business Class: with individual and double 160º reclining seats with leg support.
Coffee, tea, drinks, wines, whiskies and champagne. Toilette. Ambient music and videos. Reading lights. Air conditioning, heating system. Pillow and travelling blanket. Long distance cellular phones. Hot and cold meals, and breakfast. Personalized attention from on board assistants.
Fully Reclining 180º seats: similar to prior also with more privacy, comfort, relaxing
How long it takes a travel from Buenos Aires to San Carlos de Bariloche? As example. You can expect
Departure 13:30 hs and arrival 11:30 hs